Peter Lewin Lecture on Austrian Capital Theory

A great lecture by Peter Lewin on capital theory. Lewin was a student of Ludwig Lachmann during his undergrad years and is very much influenced by Lachmann and it shows in this lecture. Lewin is the person that made me pick up my first Lachmann book. I discovered him a couple years ago by searching Austrian economists in Dallas, which is where I am from.

A very similar, not exact, powerpoint can be found here

Here are Peter Lewin’s writings, which are worth reading

UPDATE: This is a more recent lecture by Lewin on capital, using the powerpoint linked in this post.

-Isaac Marmolejo

6 responses to “Peter Lewin Lecture on Austrian Capital Theory

  1. I got my Bachelor’s and Master’s of Finance at The University of Texas at Dallas. Peter Lewin was my professor for, I would say, about 5 classes. I always looked to see if he was teaching the particular subject that I needed to take because I always prefered him as a professor. He is an absolute genius. He just has a way of taking a vague concept and explaining it in a plain and simple way. I highly recommend reading anything he has written.

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